Happy New Year!
Did you enjoy the holidays or were they stressful?
Were they a blur?
From Thanksgiving right up until Jan. 11th life has been very full.
It was non-stop and felt like a blur. There were times of stress - brought
on by me.
Making products from scratch...I love it, yet during the holidays it
can get super stressful.
Do I have enough beeswax in stock? Will I run out?
Do I have enough jojoba in stock? Will I run out? Do I have enough time to make & fulfill all the orders streaming in? What specials am I going to have? Why can't I clone myself so I can work AND do my holiday shopping??!!!
Do I have enough rose absolute in stock? I digress here. I'm OBSESSED with this amazing essential oil. The smell is INTOXICATING! It’s one of the best essential oils for aging skin. I formulated the Revive line to use rose absolute in it!
Okay...I'm back. All of this is on my mind because I've thought of ways to decrease the stress.
I could make my life simpler by making a product like the Succulent Body Crème 6 months in advance of the holidays. It could sit in back stock until the holidays.
For ease and simplicity, I could get a huge tub of pre-made, unscented cream made with questionable ingredients & chemicals like preservatives that most likely aren’t good for your health. The pre-made cream sits in a large plastic tub that’s probably leaching into the cream.
I’ll scoop out the pre-made, unhealthy, chemical-laden cream for your order, add a random scent like Ocean Breeze (which would mean it’s toxic cause it’s made in a lab. And what exactly does Ocean Breeze smell like???). Jar it up just for you and call it “handmade”.
And there you have it…your nice, little toxic jar of crap you're going to slather on your skin and wonder why your skin is dry, red & itchy.
That would be a lot easier and cheaper for me.
Can you see where I’m going with this thread?
Instead, I’ve chosen what would be considered more time consuming and expensive to produce.
I could give a f*ck what others consider to be more time-consuming.
I've chosen to produce products by measuring, heating, melting, blending and cooling great raw ingredients created by Mother Nature. I’ve chosen to keep the end product as natural as possible. I’ve chosen to add real essential oils, which are essences of plants not man-made scents that don't have any nourishing qualities, for their aroma AND their healing properties. I've chosen to make products as fresh as possible, not to sit on shelves for years.
This means you, my lovely, are getting the BEST products for the health of your skin, your body, and the planet.
You know it. Your skin knows it. Your subtle energy body knows it. It’s hard to describe the nourishment felt on these different levels.
That’s why I love what I do…in service of you, in service of the planet, in service of the Divine.
Stay tuned...next week I'm going to share what I've got cooking and I'd love your feedback.
If you know someone who wants real good skincare products that are natural and work share this blog with them.
With Love + Gratitude,
Michele T. Crème Artisan. Alchemist. Helper of Beautiful Skin...Naturally!